About me
Hello! My name is Sabrina Lee.
I am a multidisciplinary graphic designer based in Long Island, New York.
I have over 3 years of experience as an in-house, marketing designer for companies like globaledit and The Drone Life LLC. In my spare time, I enjoy volunteering my skills to local nonprofits. I help transform business challenges into pragmatic and visually pleasing design materials for key, promotional initiatives.
I believe graphic design is a forever-expanding discipline. It is essential for designers to maintain a desire to learn beyond modern trends or the latest software tools. I find it equally important to understand the industries we work in and align design strategies with business goals. Expanding one's curiosity in the pursuit of knowledge can transform a good designer to a great one.
Speaking the truth when it counts goes a long way in enhancing design work and much more. That's why, whenever walking into a project meeting or addressing issues, I find it important to speak of pragmatic expectations and goals. I believe that by being genuine about who and where one is in the present, it is the first step to realistic improvements in life overall.
I stand by the idea that anyone can be creative as long as they understand its true meaning. Creativity is not exclusively manifested through the arts or design. It can also be found in creating novel, marketing strategies or finding new ways to improve a production line’s workflow. In order to reach the most compelling of ideas, one must allow for experimentation and different perspectives from others.